Where's The Message of the Cross?
The sign said, “Now serving Starbucks coffee!” It was the late 90’s and the premium coffee craze was taking the country by storm. Everyone who liked coffee LOVED Starbucks or soon would. So it
wasn’t surprising that some business would be utilizing the brand name to promote what they were doing. It made pretty good sense. It would not have fazed me a single bit if any other company was
doing it. However, this massive sign was hung in front of a local evangelical Christian church. The message was crystal clear: “Come to our service on Sunday, we have free Starbucks
With the arrival of the church growth movement and the seeker-sensitive ministry focus it birthed, we have seen an increase in local congregations trying to be more relevant to attract the
non-believing culture. So we hear things like “Come to our service, we have a great band!” Or “Come to our church and make deep, lasting and meaningful relationships.” “Visit our service and gain
practical wisdom for living a better life!” You can’t really blame the leadership in these congregations for trying unusual concepts. They are attempting to attract people who wouldn’t normally
attend church. They understand the great commission and are doing their best to try and fulfill it in their neighborhoods. Their hearts, I am sure, are in the right place (hopefully). But what
they are doing, is not working!
Couple this with the new age messages being promoted to the audience, the new age Bible versions on the scenes and what you have is division and confusion-deceit. The devil has placed many of
these would-be ministers behind a pulpit and the wolves teeth and growl stand out. They are truly failing in keeping up their attendance.
Despite all their efforts, church attendance in America is slowing dropping and is predicted to drop dramatically over the next 20 years. Is it any wonder? Why do we think our offer of free
coffee, or a “great” band, meaningful relationships or practical advice for living successfully, is attractive to non-Christians? They can get all that at a local bar, Barnes and Noble or on PBS!
(Sidebar: Let us get over the band thing, for on any given weekend night in most communities across America, the band playing in the local bar blows away any worship team a local church
assembles. Our bands are not that big of a deal to non-Christians.”) Clearly, we are doing something wrong!
When you examine how the early Christians lived their lives and went about building the church, you will see an entirely different picture. In a span of 30-40 years after the death and
resurrection of Jesus, Christianity went from 11 disciples and 120 believers, to having changed the landscape of the entire Roman Empire. Churches were planted and were thriving everywhere! The
message of Christianity, despised by the masses, had made inroads all over the world. Without free coffee, without music, without yard sales, without BBQ plates sales, without TV, electricity,
Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, cars, planes, or phones, masses of people were committing their lives to follow Jesus, the Son of the Living God.
They were doing this despite the fact that some had been killed for following this way, others had been imprisoned still others had their property confiscated. They were despised by the
unbelievers, and had absolutely nothing going for them. Or, so it would seem. How did this happen? The answer is found in The Book of Acts, the history of the early church.
Taking a look at Acts 6:7 we see a clue: “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly” When Luke refers to the Word of God here, he is not
referring to the Bible as we know it today. The N.T. was still in the process of being written (translated). No, what Luke was referring to was a specific Word of God. An Authoritative Word. God
has spoken many different things to His people over the years, but this “word”, is THE Word. If we could prioritize what God has said, this message would be on the top of the list. It is THE
message. What, then, is that message?
Have you ever thought what the banner over the local house church might have read in the first century? I have. It would have said something like this: “Jesus Christ, salvation is found in no one
else.” Or, “Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” “Jesus Christ, there is NO other name given to men by which we must be saved” “Jesus Christ,
everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name!”
All these quotes are taken from the book of Acts. This “message” is referenced many more times throughout Acts: “Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed;.." (Acts 4:4); “…that with all
boldness they may speak thy word,..” (Acts 4:29)“And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” (Acts 5:42) “Therefore they that were scattered
abroad went every where preaching the word.” (Acts 8:4) “ But the word of God grew and multiplied.” (Acts 12:24) “And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region.” (Acts 13:49)
There are many, many more references in the Book of Acts to this “Word.” It is described as “the word, the message” “The good news”, and “The Gospel.”
It is clear that the early church leadership and the early Christians were not selling coffee, promoting bands, having hot dog sales or trying to attract others to follow Jesus by offering “Six
Keys to Successful Living” seminars. They offered to anyone who would listen, the answer to the problem that plagues every human being. “Your sins can be forgiven, through faith in Jesus Christ.
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” (I Timothy 2:5-6) That is the message God has
entrusted His church with. That is THE message the lost so desperately needs to hear! When they come to our churches, do they hear it?
Last week, I turned the corner and saw a small church building. It was your typical, small city church structure. Nothing about it stood out, except one thing:
It had a massive cross displayed in front of it. The cross was two stories high, and towered over the one story building.
I thought to myself , “that should be the theme of every song we sing in church, and it should be the theme of every sermon we here! It should be the theme of every spiritual conversation we have
with non-Christians. The Cross is “THE Message”. (1 Cor 1:23 with 1 Cor 1:18)
Today, we try to soften the cross and its implications. We do not want to be seen as intolerant or close-minded. If people knew what we really believed, they wouldn’t come. But we know they need
Jesus, so lets get them here with good coffee, food, great music and practical messages that will make them realize that Christianity isn’t so bad after all. Then, perhaps when they are ready,
they will consider the Gospel. (sarcasm)
This approach is not working because it doesn’t work.
News Flash! This Just In! The Message of The Cross is offensive! It is a stumbling block! People do trip over it. It offends people's sensibilities. Yet, it is the truth and the only thing that
can save us. The Cross is the message God has entrusted us with. It is the message that He uses to save lost sinners. Those who have been washed by it must proclaim it boldly, clearly and
passionately. Our songs, and services must not hide the cross. Like the cross in front of that church building, Jesus, and His finished work must be front and center of everything we do in our
churches and in our individual lives.
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