Why Wyoming?

Why Wyoming?


Wyoming was selected for many reasons including its existing culture of freedom; its low population; and its business-friendly laws. 


What is the goal of Free State Wyoming?

To encourage, assist, and reward the migration of liberty-minded Americans to Wyoming in order to maintain and further its relative laissez-faire Western culture; to eventually create a haven for those Americans who desire not to live as, or under, government supremacists.


Who can join the Free State Wyoming?


According to the FSW Statement of Intent, those who formally reject fraud, theft, and aggression as political and social expedients, and who desire to relocate to Wyoming as good neighbors for the peaceable goals of political liberty, free trade, and voluntary cooperation.


(NOTE: There is a geographical/time frame incumbent upon members, fully explained in the SofI. Those who cannot meet such are welcome as formal "FSW Associates." Those who generically support the goals of the FSW but cannot directly participate at all are welcome as "FSW Friends.")


There are really only Two Rules of Life


1) Do all you have agreed to do.

2) Do not encroach on other persons or their property.


Such is the basis of all Natural Law, and is agreed upon by nearly all religions of the world. The Two Rules were the original basis for the the United States of America, which attracted global immigration to these shores by millions who risked their lives to live under such principles. If this appeals to you, then Wyoming could be your next home.


But really, but kind of people are you looking for?


Folks who will honor their agreements, work hard, don't trouble their neighbors, and get along. It's really that simple.


There is one other proviso in our Statement of Intent: that members be of "demonstrably ethical character." FSW founder Boston T. Party believes the clause vital. As Benjamin Franklin once wrote:


"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters."


Samuel Adams wrote:


"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."

Several prospective members have mildly objected to the clause "demonstrably ethical character" (though without much force of reason). Allegedly it smacked of puritanicalism or religiosity. (Interestingly enough, those who complained most about that clause have generally been the most fractious, rude, and cantankerous.)


In short, honoring one's agreements and not encroaching goes far—very far—but it does not quite embrace the entire issue. The FSW seeks people who are civil. Libertarian types are usually highly individualistic, though too often strident, dismissive, and uncordial. If we contemplate being neighbors, then civility and virtue are clearly vital traits to be sought and cultivated.



Wyoming. Hmmmm. Not a lot of racial diversity there. Isn't the FSW just some "whites only" enclave? Aren't the members white supremacists, or at least separatists?


Certainly not! The FSW is open to people of all races. Libertarianism is color blind. Hard-working, ethical, non-encroaching people of all races and walks of life are welcome.



Well, what about atheists or people who aren't Christian? The FSW founder Boston T. Party is a Christian, and the governor in his novel Molôn Labé! is a Christian. Doesn't the FSW have a strong religious tone to it?


No, although some very devout and touchy atheists would like to believe so (even though Molôn Labé! contained nothing about any Christian migration of newcomers). Kenneth Royce (Boston T. Party) founded a movement open to people of all religious faiths, including agnostics and atheists. In his experience, the sole fact that one is a Christian is no guarantee that they will be a good neighbor, any more than one's atheism guarantees that they will not.


If Boston were so religiously intolerant, then he would not have (as he does) many atheists amongst his good friends or his FSW staff. Even though many Americans differ in their fundamental beliefs, such does not have to foment their political oppression of each other. What you do on your Sunday mornings is your business: go to church if you like, or buy a six-pack and go fishing. Or both.


We in the FSW respect each other's beliefs, even if we don't necessarily share them. The Wyoming path is wide enough for many different kinds of travelers.



I read that FSW Members are big on gun ownership and shooting. Is such preoccupation with firearms really all that necessary?


Yes. The FSW is firmly defends a vigorous shooting culture as a necessary foundation of a free society. We actively nurture the concept of citizen rifleman, the backbone of a nation's defense which also daily reinforces our individual responsibility and resolve to remain free.


"Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave." —Andrew Fletcher, 


A Discourse of Government with relation to Militias (1698), p.47

"The unarmed man is not just defenseless, he is also contemptible."

— Machiavelli


"Pick up a rifle and you change instantly from a subject to a citizen."

— Jeff Cooper, The Art of The Rifle


We in the FSW are Westerners. We believe devoutly in being armed. We do not surrender our personal weapons—anywhere, anytime. To do so would place ourselves in the physical powers of strangers whose intentions and mercies can never be known to us in advance.


When others seek to deny us the means of defending our lives, why should we allow them the power to do so? We are peaceable folks, and do not aggress on others. We do not trust those who do not trust us—who seek our unilateral disarmament in the name of "public safety" (even though the rural West has the lowest crime rate in the nation).


From history, we know very well what happens to unarmed citizens. First, they are transformed into subjects. Then, over time, into slaves. This will not happen in Wyoming.


If such talk seems "radical" to you, then please don't come here. It's not your kind of place. However, if this resonates with your vision of local liberty, then get in touch with us. Come out and see what we're all about. And bring something to shoot!



What about the cold and the wind? Isn't Wyoming just some bitter tundra? That would explain why only 500,000 people live there.


Regarding weather vs. population, North Dakota is much colder and windier than Wyoming, yet has 28% more people. Wyoming has the second highest mean elevation, after Colorado. Much of Wyoming is cold, and much of that windy (especially in the east). Still, Wyoming is not brutal.


If you already live in snow country, you won't find Wyoming any big deal. It's not Florida, but if living free is more important than tropical temperatures, you'll enjoy Wyoming. Besides, the FSW is a pioneering movement, and it requires a bit of hardiness from its members! Softees can stay home in SoCal, Palm Beach, Tuscon, etc.


For the FSW, Boston has focused on three counties with comparatively pleasant weather: Crook, Weston, and Hot Springs. All three have reasonable winters.



Are people actually buying property and moving to Wyoming through the FSW?


You bet! Though the FSW was founded recently in early 2004, folks are already in motion in all three counties. One couple just bought a home and rental property in Thermopolis, and another bought over 300 beautiful acres in Crook County. The FSW enjoyed its first local event over Labor Day 2004, and many of the attendees are actively scouting out Crook County property for their upcoming relocation. Boston himself will move to Wyoming with Javelin Press in 2006.