Five best natural anti-inflammatory herbs


Inflammation is characterized as swelling and redness on the skin's surface associated with pain. Inflammation is the body's reaction to threatening or harmful stimuli. On occasion, many people may experience mild inflammation flare-ups due to environmental allergens, micro-organisms or toxins. When flare-ups become more frequent than occasional, a person may be at risk for tissue damage, due to chronic inflammation.

To have tissue damage minimized, it is recommended that chronic inflammation sufferers speak to a healthcare professional. Medication is usually prescribed, but there are complimentary or alternative treatments, which include lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as herbal supplements that are known to help inflammation, this includes rheumatoid arthritis.

Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa, Uncaria guianensis)

Cat's claw is an herb that is indigenous to Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, and has been an effective natural treatment of certain types of inflammatory conditions. Patients have found relief from gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) and acne, due to skin inflammation, and inflammation due to menstruation. Clinical studies have revealed that cat's claw has shown to greatly improve rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

This popular home remedy used to reduce inflammation is widely available at local health food stores, and it can also be acquired from online herbal retailers


Garlic is rightfully known as one of nature's amazing remedies for a variety of ailments, including preventing blood clots, lowering blood pressure and reducing joint swelling and pain associated with arthritis.

By adding more garlic to their diet, many individuals that suffer with joint pain due to inflammation may find relief.


Ginger has many health benefits, including an anti-nausea remedy. It has been noted that ginger is a spice that reduces inflammation, especially in individuals who also have neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, meningitis and brain tumors).

Guggul (Commiphora wightii)

This tree, which is also known as the Mukul myrrh, is native to India, and has been used as a healing herb for generations. It is the resin of the tree that holds the healing power, not the leaves or the bark. The gum, also known as the resin, is collected, and the active healing component is extracted.

Traditionally, this herb has been used to remove toxins from the body and has recently caught the attention of modern medical practitioners. Guggul has an active component that has been said to treat a variety of ailments on a molecular, as well as biological, level, according to researchers at the Nationals Institute of Health. Clinical studies and trials have validated that the isolated ingredient guggulsterone is safe to use as a medical remedy, to treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Tropical rose mallow (Hibiscus vitifolius)

Tropical rose mallow has been studied and has had the attention of modern scientists for centuries. Gossypin, the active ingredient that is found in the root of this plant, is said to significantly reduce fluid retention and inflammation in patients. When compared to phenylbutazone (a synthetic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), gossypin showed results of being much safer and just slightly less effective.

Final word

Always discuss any medical changes, includes natural herbs, with your healthcare professional.
