The Last Tomorrow?

Found this somewhere on the web. I don't suppose it matters where. All that matters is what we take from what we find online. I hope you will give this some thought; and what it means to you and yours....and, answer the poll below this blog. - Ivory Towers









"The Last Tomorrow"

 Spring took some time off that day
 So did the birds and their song
 And a realistic winter, for a time, held their place
 And the sun dropped low as the shadows grew long

 Leaves from the trees, they harkened unto me
 Then withered as they fell to the ground
 A witness, each one with it's story to tell
 They galliantly floated, each one to their end,
 softly and without a sound.

 The silence, it tore through the fabric of time
 Endlessly stretching out for eternity
 Yet somehow, while weaving through the circuits and lines
 Morbidly falling short of some thing called serenity.

Worlds, introduced with surgical grace
 In an hour that "NEVER" would catch up with time
 And I was presented with a glimpse of the end
 And surely, on that day I knew it were mine

 The earth, it shook as the fires raged higher
 While the heavens reigned upon the earth
 Death was appointed unto every land
 As mother nature surmised her rebirth

 Nightfall choked the starlight
 Nor twinkling twill of the angel's scope
 Off on the horizon, under silver moonlight
 The desolate glimpse of a dying world's hope

The wind, it spake to the mountains
 It hissed, it howled and growled
 From the altars, all through the fountains
 It cried and whistled and moaned

 Indescribable amounts of the people
 Whom the ocean did rise up to meet
 Careless, they wait for the diggers
 Lying about like dung in the streets

 And war upon war, they kept raging
 Each man, a gun in his hand
 'Till the bullets that rained on the nations
 Now equaled the grains of the sand

 And I, with the task of recorder
 With a glimpse of the last light and doom
 In words, I now bring before you
 What inevitably must come soon......

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