Medical Doctor Reveals Ebola Virus Solution

Ebola virus disease (EVD), also called ebola hemorrhagic fever, can often be fatal – in its later stages, if poorly treated – due to internal (and external) bleeding, liver and kidney failure. According to the World Health Organization, ebola “is a severe, often fatal illness in humans.” But, the question remains, are we being told everything about this infectious disease?


The Ebola virus CAN be reversed naturally. Conventional medicine admits they have no cure for EVD. Instead of just ‘hoping’ for a recovery – find out how to boost your immunity and eliminate the threat of infectious diseases. If you’re a medical doctor, do not miss our next show.



How does Ebola spread throughout a community?

Humans can get infected through direct contact with the blood or bodily secretions of an infected individual or from infected objects like a needle. Obviously, if you live in an infected community, you must avoid direct contact with those individuals sickened by this disease.


Thanks to movies like Outbreak and Contagion – most people in the United States have scary visions of medical disasters, disease outbreaks, quarantined conditions, martial law and people dying everywhere from a horrific (uncontrollable) virus. Naturally, the ‘solution’ always seems to come in the form of a vaccine – at the last minute of a movie – to save the day.


By the way, unlike what you see in the movies, EVD is not able to be transmitted through the air. I can’t emphasize this enough – the mainstream media has clearly ignored the facts surrounding this disease. And, public health officials have failed miserably at properly informing the public about how to prevent infectious diseases; not to mention that fact that it would infect those who created AND released the bio-weapon. Don't for get their families. Even the wicked love their families, and their certainly would not be enough anti-ebola serum (if any) to go around to them.


The most effective vitamin for viral infections and disease prevention

Before we talk about a solution – it’s important to ask: why are people vulnerable to the ebola virus? According to Dr. Levy, “ebola is really an ordinary virus that causes extraordinary pathology in people with a poor nutritional status and a lack of significant antioxidant stores in their bodies.” In other words, well-nourished people are rarely at risk for EVD.


If you do get infected – what is the solution? Dr. Levy says, “when addressed in the first few days to a week of a significant exposure or a clinical infection, an aggressive regimen of vitamin C can be expected to routinely resolve the infection and eliminate the virus from the body.”


He goes on to say, ‘the knowledge that vitamin C has this virus-resolving ability can eliminate the need to administer vaccines of questionable benefit but clear side effects because of the knee-jerk reaction that infectious disease doctors have toward all viruses or any other infectious agents that do not readily respond to antibiotic therapy.”


Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a board-certified internist and cardiologist. He is also bar-certified for the practice of law. He has written extensively on the importance of eliminating toxins while bolstering antioxidant defenses in the body, with particular focus on vitamin C.


His newest book entitled, Death by Calcium: Proof of the toxic effects of dairy and calcium supplements is now available at or In this new book, for the first time, Dr. Levy has assembled extensive sections on his treatment protocols for infectious diseases, cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, plus many other chronic degenerative diseases. This new book contains his detailed “Guide to the Optimal Administration of Vitamin C.” His website is:


Is the fear of ebola justified? To date, according to the Centers for Disease Control, this virus “is centered on three countries in West Africa: Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone.” Naturally, people are scared because they have been brainwashed into believing there’s nothing you can do about ebola. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth.


About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalNews Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show and the NaturalNews Inner Circle – a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.

...Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host – Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic (non-GMO) diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits including exercise and meditation.