Relieve Tooth And Gum Pain With Home Remedies

Most people hate going to the dentist. Even the for the most minor reason, dental appointments can cause a grown man, or woman, to quake with fear. Regular dental hygiene at home is a big step toward preventing dental problems; and, basic home care can be enhanced with a variety of herbal and homeopathic treatments to relieve pain and resolve minor gum and tooth problems.



Liquid Calendula

Calendula is the herbal extract from marigolds and has been used medicinally for centuries to relieve a wide range of conditions. A calendula mouthwash makes a soothing treatment for any number of gum and mouth disorders. It heals the soft tissue, relieving bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, herpes lesions, dry sockets after extractions, and more.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is an old folk remedy for relieving a toothache or dry socket after tooth extraction. It possesses analgesic and antiseptic properties and is highly effective for numbing the area, relieving the pain.


L-lysine helps the body metabolize vitamin C. A deficiency of the amino acid L-lysine may lead to bleeding gums, anemia and scurvy, a disease characterized by collagen breakdown in the gums. L-lysine is not manufactured by the body and must be gotten from foods or supplements. Foods containing the highest sources of L-lysine are all citrus fruits, broccoli, red peppers, melons, tomatoes and strawberries. Because L-lysine is rich in anti-viral properties, supplements may prevent breakouts and relieve symptoms of herpes.

Vitamin C Powder

Applying vitamin C powder directly to gums will not only relieve pain and bleeding, but may also help tighten the gums, protecting teeth and slowing the progression of periodontal disease. In some instances, regular application of vitamin C powder has saved loose teeth from falling out.


Homeopathic arnica is helpful for relieving swelling and bruising in the mouth and around the gums after surgery, after extractions and even after orthodontist adjustments. Several doses of arnica after a tooth extraction can promote faster healing and relieve pain almost immediately. Do not take arnica before any dental surgery because it may encourage bleeding.


Homeopathic Belladonna can quickly relieve a toothache where there is deep throbbing pain. The person may have swollen red gums around the site of the painful tooth. The toothache may have started suddenly and may be relieved by the application of warm compresses… READ THE FULL STORY HERE: