The Earth Does Not Rotate

The earth does not rotate. The sun, moon and stars have their circuits. They were created by God for mankind. Earth was created by God for mankind:

Joshua 10:13 The sun stood still and the moon stayed ….

God created the earth for mankind. The sun, stars and moon are for mankind. Geocentricity is truth, the earth is center. Heliocentricity is a lie, claiming the sun is center.

Newton and the apple, gravity. Observing an apple fall to the ground, Newton began to conceptualize what is that force that causes the apple to accelerate in velocity as it falls to the ground. As simple an observation as it may seem, along the lines of Newton’s apple, the fact that there are tides in the oceans proves that the earth is not rotating. For example, a bowl with water in it and the bowl is spun. The water will go in the same direction as the spin of the bowl. The same principle except the water is on the outside of the bowl held on by gravity, that is the earth allegedly spinning, water and all on earth’s surface held by gravity. Earth is claimed to be rotating west to east.


The ocean tides travel west, then travel east, usually two high tides and two low tides every 24 hours. If the earth were rotating, it would be impossible for tides to exist, because water cannot go against the spin of that which it sits on top of. The existence of tides proves that earth is not spinning.

It is claimed that earth at its equator is spinning about one thousand miles per hour. One thousand miles per hour headed in a west to east direction at the equator. So how can an east bound tide there, which is not traveling greater than 1000 mph, or even close to it, travel east against the alleged spin of the earth? If the earth was rotating as alleged, and its alleged rotation is west to east, then there would be no ocean conveyor belt of warm surface waters traveling north and cold waters sinking and traveling south because the force of the west to east spin would prevent water from flowing north and south.