When you Google it, the earth is 4.54 billion years old.
According to most scientists of numerous backgrounds and specialties, they state and teach but cannot prove that dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago.
Now, what evidence or object can we take and match that up against in coming up with that kind of data? We can match one fingerprint to any given man, woman or child on the face of the earth. We
can give an unknown DNA profile from a substance as little as a fiber, or molecule and match it to 99.99 percent and conclusively prove what man, woman or child the DNA came from. Scientists have
agreed that Niagara falls traces back to around 3,000 years back. And, Noah's flood (which would have assisted in its formation) dates back to 3,000 years. The Grand Canyon according to
scientists was formed through sedimentary action (this can only happen during and after a huge flood of water), and has been dated back to around 3,000 years, same as Niagara Falls.
We have found evidence that Jesus in fact walked the earth a little over 2,500 years ago. And given what we read in the Scripture, Biblical scholars have agreed on or about that same date. Many
ancient dates and conclusions are from historical and or documented moments in history- Both Biblical and exrta-Biblical data.
So, with so many human recorded accounts and and our ancient objects with a date written or ascribed to them by accompanying documentation, not to mention physical evidence showing up today and
in days past to prove against or match up against in coming up with nearly perfect dating of such occurrences; how is it that we have not heard of an object dating back beyond this fictitious
date of 4 billions years (dating back in the millions/billions), or record proof in which we can conclusively match up against data or object to back up the theory saying earth is around 4
billion years old, not to mention the age of said dinosaurs being in the millions of years- What is the object, or record that shows us a way to calculate an unreal numbering in the billions?
Merely saying it's "this or that" is not enough. This question must be thoroughly answered to everyone's satisfaction.
Science and or Scientists have never produced a document, or object and or some verified evidence to corroborate the given dating of the earth from which anyone can test and match it to. We have
only their "say-so." This evolutionary/Darwinian theory holds no water.
Note: At best, we have the earth as agreed by most born again scientists that the earth is in fact no more than 12,000 to 15,000 years old; no more but maybe less.
Carbon-14 dating....ok, so, how do we know this is accurate? And how can we use it to date the globe we call earth? Where is the "control" or
an item or object wherewith we might "match-up" against to prove carbon dating is accurate? Did carbon dating give us that year age of the earth as being in the billions and millions? Again,
where is the litmus test that we may examine? We must prove all things. 1 Thess 5:21 "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." -IvoryTowers