Ever seen one of these? A debt clock, or one similar...? I've seen a few with which it even has debt broken down to nearly precisely what each member in a given household owes. WHAT?! I don't have any children but if I did they would not owe this nation or nations one friggin thing!!!
I've seen debt clocks show as much as $50,000 for one person per household. And then there are some averaging an person owing around $6,000. I don't recall borrowing anything in my lifetime amounting to $50,000. If this nation has debt, then it's not my debt; it's the debt incurred by those who nationally incurred it. Debt is individual, it's personal. If I or you had a "credit card" and we used it, maybe maxing it out, say $500 to even $20,000....then that is your own personl debt.
If I borrowed money from a bank to buy a house, then that's what I owe...NOTHING MORE. As for "national debt" I owe no taxes, I own my home, I have no credit cards ( wife has one ) and I nor my wife owes anywhere near the $50,000 they average households owe. And if I borrowed from another country any amount of money, I'm sure I'd remember it. NO, if this country is in debt, Federally, state-wide, or nationwide, then it's not my debt! It's not yours either!
Debt is personal, it's individual! So for these continuously escallating little debt clocks I can only say, it's cute, but it's mute where I and my family are concerned.
On the other hand, if these clock are calculating the increased debt owed by average people using those credit cards, buying those houses, phones, cars, etc; then this is rediculous! Someone needs to start using cash again, and if you cannot afford to purchase it paid in full then you probably don't need it. These little gadgets are just that, "gadgets" But wow! If that's even remotely close to an accurate number then this nation has been in ruin for centuries!
Nevertheless, debt is individual. Whatever debt the so-called government in this country has acquired, then it's their problem not ours. Let them sell whatever they need to pay it off. But it's their responsibility not the nations. Debt is individual.