What's So Wrong With Mexico?

Ezek 38:11-12 "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,..12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land."


Is this to be said of Amerika?

What is so wrong with Mexico that inspires people to leave seeking a new life here in the United States? It seems like immigrants are crossing over albeit by invitation from the states and government officials, so again I ask; What's the problems not being addressed in the media concerning the conditions of Mexico? And, if things are so bad that illegals are receiving amnesty from officials, then is this a case more suited for a world body to intervene ( i.e. UN) or could the USA military or agents assume control in some sort of fashion?

It seems to me, Mexico would take a more important objective here seeing how their country is connected to ours and the invasion of the USA is more obvious moreover than from any threat from the middle east. And one more important question: Why is Mexico so quiet on the subject of its own citizens leaving literally in herds? And I might ass that if Mexico is losing its people to another country (refugees at the border crossing over); what of Mexico then? I hoped to surmise this in just one question but there are so many questions and no one is asking them, much less the right ones.

I catch the news occasionally but I also keep up to date on the alternative news outlets on the internet- I have yet to see, in years, Mexico's President or its officials make any statements as to their own concerns, if any about the influx of people leaving the country of Mexico? What is going on down there besides drug cartels? Drug cartels have been their for centuries....so, assuming its the drug cartels lashing out at its own people does not make sense. And if it was just because of danger from the drug minions then obviously the international body, UN, etc would be aware of such atrocities and would take appropriate action to quill the issues and make returning to their homeland a safe and more pliable option.

As I understand it, Mexicans are hard working people unlike some ethnic people here in the USA. How then can Mexico take a step backwards as their people fall prey to the promises of free money, benefits, phones, housing of this current administrations allowances? Sooner or later they will become subject to the powers that be, and will have to forfeit their enjoyed comfort as wards (prisoners) of the state (Federal State that is)?


Ordo ab Chao (Order Out Of Chaos)- Not Likely!

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